Waiting on Wednesday (15) ~ Where the Rock Splits the Sky by Philip Webb


Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine,
which spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating!

Before we get to WoW, i wanted to let everyone know that YAreview.com is open. so save it and visit! let everyone know. With a little warning the site might seem a little out of place. I am moving things and adding to the site and so and so fourth with the help of my mother. I will be making a new star chart for YA Review and all that fun stuff on my handy Gimp program. I am hoping to making everything better and cooler.

Now here is my WoW of the week. Enjoy.



Title: Where The Rock Splits the Sky
Author: Philip Webb
Expected publication: March 25th 2014 by Chicken House
Type: Science Fiction, Dystopia

Goodreads: The moon has been split, and the Visitors have Earth in their alien grip. But the captive planet? That’s not her problem. Megan just wants to track down her missing dad…
The world stopped turning long before Megan was born. Ever since the Visitors split the moon and stilled the Earth, permanent sunset is all anyone has known. But now, riding her trusty steed Cisco, joined by her posse, Kelly and Luis, Megan is on the run from her Texas hometown, journeying across the vast, dystopic American West to hunt down her father. To find him, she must face the Zone, a notorious landscape where the laws of nature do not apply. The desert can play deadly tricks on the mind, and the quest will push Megan past her limits. But to solve the mystery of not just her missing father but of the paralyzed planet itself, she must survive it–and an alien showdown.

Thoughts: I came across this book by random and just stopped and read the summery and i just had to know more about it. It sounds so different to the books i have read but still has those hints of the things i like in books. This book screams ” READ ME “. I love the fact it’s not some stupid love story and the fact it is just gonna be epic. I am HUGE, I repeat HUGE into Dystopian and Science Fiction. It’s in my blood. The book just sounds amazing and just looking at the cover you know it’s gonna be awesome and the fact there is ALIENS! yeah you heard me. The whole concept of the story is just a must read.

The Overall Gif



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