YA Book Review + Giveaway: The Waking Dreamer By J.E. Alexander




Title: The Waking Dreamer
Author: J.E. Alexander
Published: September 22nd 2013 by Mechanical Owl Media
Type: Young Adult, New Adult, Paranormal, Fantasy
Source: Sign Copy from the Author for a honest review.

Paperback, 343 pages


Summery:Emmett’s dream is always the same. Tingling with half-forgotten memories, he stands in an unknown room surrounded by mirrors, curio cabinets, and nesting dolls. A painting, Belshazzar’s Feast, hangs on the wall, its disembodied hand numbering the King’s final days. Then comes the stranger, the serpent-wielding young woman with the glittering amber eyes. Her words are always the same. Emmett will soon save her. Then the supposed hero awakens to his unremarkable life, awaiting the next night and the same maddeningly familiar dream.

Seventeen-year-old orphan Emmett Brennan remembers nothing of his past—not the boiler room in which his needle-ravaged mother gave birth to him, nor the Druids who tenderly delivered him. He can’t remember the cabal-summoned Revenant that clawed itself from shadow to hunt him, or why his mystical midwives hid him from the necromantic creature. Approaching adulthood, he is unaware of the dark forces that still search for him or the mysterious sentinels who secretly protect him, but on the eve of his eighteenth birthday that will change. The Revenants will find him. Only the young woman from his dreams can help him confront all he was once made to forget. Together, they will brave the nightmarish landscape Emmett’s waking world will soon become.



* I received the book from the author for a honest review

The book is counted as a Young-Adult and New Adult. My first thought before i started reading the book was ” I LOVE the cover” Seriously tho whoever did the cover art did such a amazing job on it. I love every part of the art work. The quotes in the beginning with William Blake and Alice in Wonderland was so spot on,  fantastic way to start the book.

The beginning did confuse me just a little bit, i didn’t really get what was going on until i kept reading and all made somewhat sense and i was like “Oh yeahhhh”. I really enjoyed all the movie references, some where my favorites. I really liked Emmett’s personally and could relate to him to a certain extent. he reminds me of well a male version of me when it comes to my nerdy obsessions.

The Book was packed with things that bump into the night, loved J.E Alexander’s imagination. Emmett heads out town to search for his mother. What just seemed like a somewhat simple trip to Florida minus no money and a almost broken down car can get ya. Turns in to a crazy Adventure of survival with monsters and  spooky mythical creatures, full of twist an turns.

The Story can get a little complex and parts i didn’t really get but overall thought the story was a fun and unique. I can’t say that i 100% love it, but i did like it and do recommend the book. I really feel like the guy readers in the world would like the book. Thumps up to the author.



One winner will receive a paperback sign copy of The Waking Dreamer by J.E. Alexander 

The contest will end October 17th

You Must be 13+ To enter.
All my Giveaways are US only.
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If you don’t reply to my Email After 48 hours i will choose another winner.
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The book is provided by the Author.

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6 thoughts on “YA Book Review + Giveaway: The Waking Dreamer By J.E. Alexander

  1. Lisa Bernier September 28, 2013 at 4:10 am Reply

    Yes, I’ve had some cool dreams that seem very real.
    This book seems very interesting. Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. Ann September 30, 2013 at 1:49 pm Reply

    Definitely! Once I dreamt that my family was fighting against a neighbor with guns and everything. (I actually don’t even know my neighbors, which is odd) And in the dream they threw this grenade and blew up my dad. I was bawling on the floor. When I woke up my pillow was soaked from tears. It felt so real. I had to remind myself that my dad was still alive.

  3. Kristy Choi October 1, 2013 at 8:52 pm Reply

    I’ve had some crazy scary dreams – the worst are the ones where you wake up and even though you are awake you still feel like your dreaming.

  4. Dana October 2, 2013 at 5:22 am Reply

    I’ve had one scary dream (a couple of times over the years) that certainly feels real when I’m dreaming it! In the dream, I’m in my bedroom, which looks like it’s been ransacked. It’s dark enough that I can barely see, and I’m desperately trying to turn on a light, but none of my lamps will work no matter how many times I yank on the chains or flip switches. For some reason I know it’s an angry ghost that left my room a mess and that’s keeping the lights from working, so I yell at it to get the hell out of my bedroom. I keep trying to turn on the lamps and look for a flashlight, and the ghost starts to go crazy-poltergeist on me–flipping furniture, whipping books around the room, smashing the lamps against the wall, etc.

    That’s when I wake up.

    No idea where the dream comes from.

    Sounds lame when I type it out, but it’s scary when I’m dreaming and think it’s real!

  5. Evie Seo (@SeoEvie) October 5, 2013 at 8:31 pm Reply

    For the first year after getting married to my husband, almost every night I would dream about something bad happening to him – either he would get hurt, or we would have a horrible fight and he would leave without a word, or I simply couldn’t find him, like he disappeared from my life.. it was so weird, and felt so realistic every single time, I used to wake up all in tears, sobbing, with my heart literally breaking. I’m not sure why that happened, we were really happy all the time, and I didn’t really have any stress in my life at that point (compared to now! with an ever-growing stack of review books, a dog and a baby on the way lol!). But yeah, I will never forget those dream and how heartbreaking they were. I will never know what caused them, but I’m just glad they’ve stopped!

    The Walking Dreamer sounds interesting, thank you for your honest and informative review. I love the cover, it’s really dreamy and well-thought-out! 🙂 Very excited to learn about this book today, thanks!

    If you enjoy spooky reads, check out our Halloween event, we have plenty of awesome spooky giveaways lined-up! 🙂

    Evie @Bookish

  6. bn100 October 6, 2013 at 3:27 am Reply

    can’t remember

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